
Infection After Root Canal: Symptoms and How To Manage

The root canal is a safe and efficient process that is suggested by your dentist to save your tooth from dental extraction. The procedure has a high success rate. However, there are some rare incidents of infection. In this article, we will talk about the root canal treatment and the infection after root canal symptoms. We will provide you with helpful tips on how to deal with the situation properly.z


What is Root Canal Treatment?

To get a better understanding of the possible infection after root canal treatment, we must first understand the procedure. We prepared a summary of the root canal treatment for your enlightenment. We also prepared a few tips and suggestions on what to do if an infection occurs later in this article. 

Root Canal: The root canal treatment or the endodontic treatment is a dental procedure in which the removal of the pulp inside the tooth is the main focus. The soft pulp inside the tooth is responsible for your tooth’s growth. Unfortunately, this is also where the infection is most prominent. The removal of the pulp saves the tooth from further damage and complications. 


The Root Canal Treatment Process

  • Anesthetic Administration
  • Pulp Removal
  • Antibiotic Treatment
  • Temporary Filling
  • Follow-up Checkup

These are the standard steps involved in the root canal procedure. Additional steps might be needed depending on the severity of the case. If a wisdom tooth needs the root canal process, surgery might be suggested by your dentist. The procedure is quite safe and effective; however, it is not perfect. Like all other medical procedures, there’s a slight chance of complication. But there’s nothing to worry about these rare situations of infections. Your dentists are well-prepared in any given scenario, and they can provide the best and most efficient treatment or preventative steps.


Below are the possible complications of the root canal treatment:

Infection: The chances of infection are quite rare after the root canal treatment. However, it may or can happen. Here are the most common factors for infection:

  • Bacteria that could enter the area being treated during the procedure from saliva
  • Poorly sanitised and disinfected dental equipment
  • The pulp is not completely removed
  • The temporary filling is not properly applied

The typical process is that your dentist will require you for a follow-up checkup to observe the effectivity of the treatment. Possible infection can be detected this way. The usual treatment is antibiotics. However, in rare cases where the infection is untreatable, an endodontic treatment might be required in the form of surgery. Endodontic surgery is only recommended if the traditional process proved to be ineffective. 


Root Canal After Care

The entire root canal treatment is a complicated procedure that requires multiple visits to the dentist. It is natural to feel pain and discomfort when it’s done. It is also important to observe the condition of your tooth after the process because this is where the possible infection can be detected. The pain after the treatment usually lasts for a couple of days or a week and can be treated with OTC medicines. However, if painkillers could not alleviate the pain, or if an abscess is present, there is a possibility of infection. Please visit your doctor if there are swelling and abscess. They can provide the best treatment for you.

Here are our tips and suggestions on what to do after the root canal treatment:

  • Avoid hard and crunchy foods. Eating these foods may cause the temporary filling to crack, and bacteria may enter the tooth. It may also cause the tooth to crack and induce bleeding.
  • Minimise the consumption of acidic and sugary foods.
  • Quit smoking. Smoking may reduce the efficiency of the antibiotics you’re taking and re-infect the tooth.
  • Minimise alcoholic beverage intake. Like smoking, alcoholic drinks may render the medicine useless.
  • Brush lightly around the area of the tooth where the root canal treatment applied. It may aggravate the tooth and cause bleeding. The same goes for flossing. Floss lightly around the affected area.
  • You can take OTC painkillers to alleviate the pain and discomfort.
  • Visit your dentist for follow-up checkups.


Final Word

Root canal infection can be easily avoided with proper observation. If you follow your dentist’s instructions on how to take care of the tooth after the procedure, you can be sure that the risks of infection are reduced. However, the best way to prevent the infection is by having the procedure performed by a trusted endodontist. We suggest doing a little research before you undergo the treatment. Your dentist must have the best sanitation and disinfection process when it comes to the dental equipment they use. It is also important to check the validity of their license. You can learn about all these things from their websites and the reviews. 

So, if you feel pain, discomfort, or any unusual scenarios after the root canal treatment, please visit your dentist to get the best diagnosis and treatment.   

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